This is your basic Keto Shopping List.

Some of these are important, some not so much. I will tell you if they are not.

I don’t want you to feel that you have to go out and purchase items that you may only use for one recipe, unless you are going to make this dish weekly.

Also, if you love to cook like I do, there will be certain items that you would want to purchase in larger packages than what you would probably find at your local stores, such as almond flour or sweeteners. I am all about watching the prices on things! Because of this, I will be linking some items so that you can see what I purchase.

I will keep this as basic as I can, but I want to make sure you have what you need.

For your flours and such, you want to add these to your Keto Shopping List.

  1. Almond flour, this will more than likely be your main one. It is mine.
  2. Coconut flour. I do use this, just not as much. You can get by without this if just starting out.
  3. Baking Powder and sometimes Baking Soda.
  4. Xanthan Gum, yep, this works here. You will want this. I don’t use it daily, but it is important. This will act like flour for thickening gravy and such. A normal bag goes a long way!!

For your sweeteners:

  1. Erythritol, Granular and powdered and brown, this is my main one.
  2. Allulose, I do like this and use it when I can
  3. Monkfruit, I use this on occasion, if you want to leave one off, this one would be it for me.

A note on sweeteners…… They do not all act the same way. Erythritol will re-crystalize. This is good in, say, fudge. However, Allulose is not good in fudge (believe me, I know this!), as it will not set, but it would be good in caramel sauce. When you see a recipe that calls for a certain sweetener, it would be wise to use that one, unless it says any will work.

For Dairy and Fats:

  1. Unsweetened Almond Milk, I use this almost daily. Is this dairy??? Not sure, but it was a good place to put it……
  2. Heavy Whipping Cream, I use this one more and more. It’s good to have.
  3. Cream Cheese, it’s a must!
  4. Butter, can’t do keto without it!!!
  5. Sour cream, this is great for baking cakes, cookies, etc. This keeps them moist! And, it is great for those Mexican dishes!!!
  6. Cheese, any type! Lots of Mozzarella (You will want to try Fat Head Dough!), Cheddar (great on everything!) and any other blend you may like. One note…… I buy blocks, especially cheddar, and shred my own. The ones you buy that is already shredded has cellulose powder or cornstarch to keep it from sticking. If you are very strict keto, you don’t want this.
  7. Oils, Coconut, Avocado, Olive, your choice

You are going to need your protein:

  1. Meat, meat, meat. Chicken, Beef, Pork. Whatever, however you like it.
  2. Bacon. What else could I say about this??
  3. Fish, especially salmon.
  4. Seafood, shrimp is great!
  5. Eggs, yes, this is protein.
  6. Peanut Butter, this too. Check your ingredients. The ones with just peanuts and salt as the ingredients are the best! No Sugars!!!


  1. Cauliflower, your new best friend!
  2. Broccoli, goes with so many dishes
  3. Brussel Sprouts, some like them, some don’t. I love them!
  4. Greens: Lettuce, Kale, Spinach, Cabbage
  5. Bell peppers, any color is good, great so many ways!! A wonderful way to spice up a dish!
  6. Garlic, Honestly, I buy jars of minced. I use this A LOT!!!
  7. Mushrooms. Is this a veggie?????
  8. Green Beans. This is your only bean.
  9. Onions. Another great flavor pop for your dishes.
  10. Tomatoes. Just don’t overdo these.

Fruit. So limited. But so good.

  1. Blueberries. These are my #1 !!!
  2. Strawberries.
  3. Raspberries.
  4. Blackberries.
  5. Lemon. Great to have on hand.

And, the misc. foods that just don’t fit anywhere else.

  1. Salt & pepper of course. I do use the pink salt.
  2. Whatever seasonings and spices you like. They really help!!
  3. Extracts. Even some that you may not knew existed. Did you know there is a corn? I haven’t purchased this one yet. I do use quite a bit of Banana. I now make my own vanilla and cinnamon extract.
  4. Broth; chicken, beef, vegetable. I use these a lot.
  5. Sugar free chips; chocolate (milk, dark, semi-sweet), white, flavored. My favorite for chocolate ones: Bake Believe. If I want flavored ones, Lily’s is good. Both of these can be purchased at Wal-Mart. Just a side note here: Hershey’s has a sugar-free one, but the sweetener used in theirs is not a good sweetener and my sugar does go up whenever I have used these, so make sure you check the ingredient list and see what they are sweetened with.
  6. And, it’s cold outside. If you love your hot cocoa like I do, then you need some!


If you are serious about Keto, these are foods/ingredients that you want to stay away from.

If you are buying multi-ingredient foods, make sure you check the ingredients. Even if it looks healthy, does not mean it is.

Avoid these:

Grains: oats, rice, wheat, quinoa, etc.

Starchy Veggies: Corn, potatoes, beans (other than green beans)


Fruits (except berries listed above)


Breads and baked goods (if you are dirty or lazy keto, you may like the “keto” breads)

Candy. I haven’t found a candy yet that does not have “bad” sweeteners in it. Get some good sugar-free chips and make your own!

Anything with sugar in it. Check your condiments, your dressings, your dips. Check everything.

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