Hello. I am a sugar addict. Not only that, but my husband and myself were also bad carb addicts. Always thinking we had to have potatoes, pastas, breads, foods that our bodies did not receive well.

In early 2018, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I’m not sure how long I had actually had it, because going to the doctor was not something I did often. My doctor sent me to a dietician so that I could learn the “right” way to eat. I followed their instructions, but every morning my blood sugar was higher and higher, well into the 300s, which resulted in medication, and then more medication. I tried the keto diet a couple of times, but failed to stick with it for any length of time. I finally just gave into the diabetes, ate whatever I wanted and let the medicines do their job, which was not great.

Meanwhile, my husband was dealing with his own physical issues. For several years he had struggled with intense swelling in both of his legs, he was even hospitalized at one point. They wrapped them while he was in the hospital, and the swelling went down, but as soon as he was released, the swelling came back. He had several tests done, but, no answers, and no help. And, as so many severely struggle with the weight thing, so did he.

In mid-August 2021, with doctor’s approval we both changed to the keto lifestyle. My husband wanted to gain control over his weight and I wanted to break free from some of the diabetic medicines. And, so our journey began.

Almost immediately, the swelling in his legs started going down, and we both could tell changes in our bodies; our clothes were getting looser. The scales were not showing it yet, but we knew. This was a huge encouragement to us both! At the end of the first month, my blood sugar was on the low side and one of my meds was removed. After about six months in, the doctor removed rest of my diabetic medicines.

Our results today as we have passed our 1 year mark: I have been off all of my medicines for diabetes over 6 months now. My last A1C was at 4.9!!, which is a reading for a non-diabetic person. And, I have passed my weight goal by losing 40 pounds.

As for my husband, the swelling in his legs is basically completely gone and he has lost 85 pounds!!! (and still losing) He has passed his first goal!

We are Wendell & Janey Wilburn, and we have found Freedom thru Keto!!!

We welcome you to come on this journey with us, and we hope you find encouragement here. We would love to hear your testimonies too, as they are all different, just as each journey is different.